Friday, July 27, 2007


New Lancet report:

A single joint of cannabis raises the risk of schizophrenia by more than 40 per cent, a disturbing study warns.

The Government-commissioned report has also found that taking the drug regularly more than doubles the risk of serious mental illness.
All I can say is wow. That is what they were telling us in the 50's and 60's. I suppose some of us listened and some of us are in hiding because Paula Zahn is out to get us and she's got a machine that can steal our thoughts and turn them to voices that tell us to do bad things. Bad, bad things. Why, oh why can't the mother ship just come and stop her?

Really? this is scary. If true, I mean. Course, it's a study, and if I was a pot smoker, I'd rationalize: hey the next study will say the opposite, I don't smoke that much, I'll quit before I get too squirrelly, etc. etc. So if it's true I hope the word gets out in a way that will convince our pot smokers. We don't have a great track record with that.

(Ron Paul joke deleted because it was in poor taste)

