Thursday, October 07, 2004


So John says:
"There are 60 countries who have members of al-Qaida in them. How many of those countries are we going to invade?"

And Ann notices:
Democrats are now on the record: Sixty countries harbor al-Qaida. But apparently the one nation that had managed to entirely purge itself of all al-Qaida members was Iraq -- under the great statesman Saddam Hussein! Iraq is the only country in the world liberals believe was hermetically sealed from al-Qaida.

Glad someone finally made that point.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    You missed the point entirely. The whole point is that we shouldn't be in Iraq at all. That is if you believe that us being there has anything to do with "terrorism" or al-qaeda. You have to be stupid to not understand the point by John: going into Iraq because they "harbor" "terrorists" is a terrible reason, because if it was a good reason, then we would have invaded other countries that do the same, and do it more.
