Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Which One to Pick?

I can't believe we're trying to pick a high school already. I swear it was just last
week I was taking the kid's picture and I had to put pillows on either side of
her to keep her from falling over. And it seems like yesterday she would stand
on tip-toe to see if she could reach the light switch yet. What the hell has
happened to time? My year in eighth grade took decades to get through. Hers
is racing past in a blur.
Anyway, what is this pick-a-high-school stuff? When I was a kid, there was one
high school and you went to it. It didn't matter if there was a fire breathing
bully, it didn't matter if you'd already ruined all four years with a never to be forgotten
zipper down in the first week. You went.
But I guess the old one-school option at least exempted you from all the
indecision and worry that the kid is going through now. Which one to choose?
The one with the drug problem, or clique central? And yikes, the bus rides can be
brutal in this area.
Ah well. Maybe a clear choice will jump out at us. I'd like a school that offers lots
of after school activities, angels in the hall, and constant monitoring of the boys.
It wouldn't hurt to have good teachers either.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Just wait till you have to pick a COLLEGE.

  2. Oh I'll be too broke to have to make that decision. It'll be Hamburger University or nothing.
