Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Don't Want to Hear It

OK, I understand al-Maliki may have said a few things some of us didn't care for...
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Dennis Hastert has rejected calls Tuesday by congressional Democrats to cancel an address Wednesday by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to a joint session of Congress.

So al-Maliki was expressing an opinion that is not uncommon in the middle east, that Israel was the aggressor. (of course the refreshing thing is that it's no longer a unanimous opinion - many Arabs are blaming Hezbollah) Anyway, so what? We gave the Iraq back to the people of Iraq. If anything, al-Maliki's comments should demonstrate that we have not installed a sock-puppet in Iraq.

And note to congress: keep in mind that you are the same body that elected to hear testimony from Jane Fonda and Jessica Lange concerning cuts to farm aid. And why was their testimony relevant? They had both portrayed farmers in movies.

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