Friday, September 08, 2006

Nice Work if You Can Get It

Some people have got it too easy:
A controversy over words at BYU this morning. A professor is on paid leave for suggesting the government is responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center.

The man on paid leave is Dr. Steven Jones. He's a physics professor involved in the so-called "9-11 Truth Movement."
The part that gets me is the paid leave part. What kind of punishment is that? You're an idiot so go home and we'll send your checks there. Who's an idiot? The guy sending the checks is the idiot. Looks to me as though the guy cashing the checks pretty smart.

And it's not like he had a rough job to begin with. "Oh man, had a rough day today - lectern didn't work, chalkboard got dusty, hell, even had a drawer stick on me." Right, must be grueling teaching at BYU. And this guy figured out how to get out of even that little bit of work. And get paid. Sheesh.

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