Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Foley Mess

Well, it's way more than that. As the dad of a teenager, my mind automatically went to the bull whip option as punishment for this kind of disgusting behavior. Inexcusable.

But speaking of inexcusable.... I haven't read the IM's that have been published, but from what I hear, they're pretty explicit. And if they're explicit, wouldn't they be titillating to a pederast? And if so, how are they different from any other child p*rn?

And how is it OK to publish that kind of trash?

Course, I don't plan on reading them, so I won't know how bad the IM's are. Enough people have reported on them... I figure I'll take their word on it. (don't slow down to stare at car wrecks either and that works out pretty good for me)

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