Thursday, November 09, 2006

How Bad Could It Be, Really?

No it can't get that bad. One thing I'll note though: In the Webb/Allen race, every headline I've seen has been an unqualified "Webb Won", no mention of a recount. You can bet if it was an Allen squeaker, the headlines would be much more tentative until a concession or completed recount.
(I'm not really pinning my hopes on a recount, BTW - barring provable voting fraud I expect Allen won't quibble)

***Update: And of course right after I hit 'post', I read the news that Allen threw in the towel. I expected he would. Good news: the Webb people will be slow to gloat; their faces having been set for righteous indignation should it have gone the other way. It will take a few days to get their legs back under them. Never underestimate the power of "macacca" being repeated daily for weeks on end.

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