Thursday, January 25, 2007


An AP economist reported:
WASHINGTON - The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits shot up last week by the largest amount in 16 months, reversing two weeks of big declines.

The Labor Department reported Thursday that 325,000 newly laid-off workers filed claims for jobless benefits last week, an increase of 36,000 from the previous week. That was the biggest one-week rise since a surge of 96,000 claims the week of Sept. 10, 2005, when devastated Gulf Coast businesses laid off workers following Hurricane Katrina.
And nowhere in the article does it even speculate that the new minimum wage legislation could have anything to do with the decline.

1 comment:

  1. If you can't blame Bush then why bother being critical??
    Of course if you look around more you will find someone blaming Bush!
