Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cute to the Power of Two!

Why with music like this we could stop continental drift! Best part: the mention of styrofoam, which hasn't been made with CFCs for 15 years. Remember? The bad rap was that CFCs were destroying the stratospheric ozone layer. So they were drastically curtailed and it doesn't seem to have changed the "ozone hole" at all... Anyway, the styrofoam myth lives on, even though CFCs haven't been used to make it since before these two girls were born. Who needs facts when you've got commitment!
h/t Tim Blair


  1. Makes my skin crawl bud!

    But that is the level of intelligence required to be acolyte of the globalclimatewarmingchange cult!

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Now, now. They'll be much better once they learn a third note...

  3. What? There's a third note? I've gotten by all these years singing just the "lou-yaaa" of alleluia. See, you sing that part really loud and everyone will think you were singing along the whole time.

    Yeah, and it's hard to blame a kid for wanting just the Cliff notes on global warming. I mean, they're kids right? That's how they are. But it says a lot about the GW clergy that styrofoam is still the bad guy almost 20 years after CFCs were dropped. Talk about ignoring the science. Sheesh!

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    ...and we've been eating cold Quarter Pounders ever since.

  5. Gawwwwd...

    With singing like this, who needs bulimia?
