Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Get Mail

From Mike De Noma:
Attention,I request with due regards to you, a discreet business relationship. Am a freelance,independent investment broker based here in Britain.I was consulted by a (Now late) erstwhile top-ranking member of a frontline liberation movement in Angola,whose organization had engaged the Angolan government in a protracted civil war since 1975.My Late client who wished to channel $18.5million into productive ventures instead of war died under Political Detention and based on my initial understading with him ,I now look to make this investment discreetly under discretionary asset management arrangement for his immediate family(His Wife and 2 Daughters).I would be expecting your response bearing your contact details in order that we may discuss further....
Ah Mike, so you're asking a lumberjack for investment advice. Seems like a prudent way to manage your Late client's assets. OK, well for free, here's my advice: more cowbell.

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