Wednesday, June 06, 2007

We've All Been There

So this is hardly news:
NEW YORK (AP) - A man has sued the maker of the health drink Boost Plus, claiming the vitamin-enriched beverage gave him an erection that would not subside and caused him to be hospitalized.

The lawsuit filed by Christopher Woods of New York said he bought the nutrition beverage made by the pharmaceutical company Novartis AG at a drugstore on June 5, 2004, and drank it.

Woods' court papers say he woke up the next morning "with an erection that would not subside" and sought treatment that day for the condition, called severe priapism.
What jumped out at me was the guys name. No, not jumped out at me, like jumped out, at me, just jumped out at, know what? never mind.

***Update: I should probably clarify. When I say "we've all been there," I mean I've been there. Same exact thing happened to me, except it wasn't a vitamin-enriched energy drink, it was a chocolate shake from Burger King. And it wasn't an intractable, you-know, situation I got, it was a Star Wars action figure. Other than that though.... same thing.