Monday, December 15, 2008


I'm waiting around today, trying to straighten out problems accepting a credit card that the government switched to two weeks ago. There have been problems at every turn: my processor, the card holder, the government contact... pretty much everyone involved. One thing I've noticed though: the outsourced Indian customer service lady solved more problems, quickly and pleasantly, than anyone else.

So while I wait for a call-back telling me why we can't put money in my account, I'll catch up on some of these: Friends of Santa:
Psycmeister's Ice Palace!
Arts & Ammo
Paco Enterprises
The Other Turban bomb: En Bombe i en Turban
And I know I'm still missing lots. My bookmarks list is so long that I've taken to putting people in folders near the top - this means many people are filed under "food", "duck videos", "bail bondsmen", etc.

Plus, I'm not sure I've got the processing power to scroll to the bottom of the list before bedtime. If and when Blogrolling comes back online, I'll have to set up a real blogroll.

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