Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Unfairness Doctrine

It's easy to understand Debbie Stabenow's motive for wanting the fairness doctrine back: Her husband is a player in the liberal radio market, and she's a greedy democrat, looking to take money from the taxpayers or have money forcibly extracted from the private sector.

Here's Harkin though:

He says liberal talk shows are disappearing, and implies that conservatives in the industry are pushing them out, but can he give an example of any liberal radio project that has failed for any reason other than the fact that people don't listen to them?

No, he doesn't want to get liberal voices out there, they are already out there; he wants to lower government's jackboot onto the throats of conservative talk show hosts. At the risk of duplicating a comment from the HuffPo: He should be frog-marched out of the Senate in handcuffs.

(also probably a good time to reflect on Obama's Rush comments: Just what the heck does he have to gain by picking a fight with a guy who has millions of listeners daily? Long ago I coined the phrase: "Don't pick a fight with someone who drinks ink by the barrel." Others later changed it to: “Don’t pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” but you get the point: avoid fights with such people. It can only end inkily)

video: Politico

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