Monday, March 02, 2009

Awesome Technology

Same killer drones, same people firing them, but now, inexplicably, they are able to strike bad guys. When Bush was president, all they could kill was women, children, and puppy dogs:
A missile attack near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, believed to have been carried out by a U.S. drone aircraft, killed at least eight people Sunday, Pakistani officials said.

The strike, the first of its kind since a high-level Pakistani military delegation visited the United States last week, suggested that the Obama administration intends to press ahead with a campaign of targeting militants in Pakistan's tribal areas.

The two missiles fired Sunday hit a compound near the Sara Rogha area of South Waziristan. The area is a stronghold of Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of Pakistan's Taliban movement.

Local and intelligence officials said at least some of those killed in the strike were "foreigners" -- the term usually meant to describe militants from Central Asia or Arab countries who are suspected of having links to Al-Qaida.

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