Monday, March 02, 2009

Well, Duh

Don't say we're not modern; we've even got helmet laws.

From ynet news:
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is "Doubtful" That Iran will respond to offers of engagement, a senior State Department official said on Monday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Clinton had told her counterpart from the United Arab Emirates that the United States was under "No illusion" Over Iran. "She (Clinton) said she is doubtful that Iran will respond to any kind of engagement and opening the hand out and reaching out to them,"

Feel free to argue to that we're entering a four, or eight, year period in which anonymous sources can't be trusted; but did any adult really believe that peace and butterflies were going to rise up from the ME once Obama was elected?

Of course nothing has changed regarding Iranian development of nukes. It's still bad idea number one for the Middle East. They're still going to pursue them. The only difference is that now the West looks weaker, and now there's a substantial number of people in the US who won't believe it's happening until they see a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv.

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