Thursday, April 23, 2009

Liberal Student Infiltrates Liberty University

Found this at Newsbusters:
This is just too funny! A liberal Ivy League student decides to enroll at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Virgina and write a book exposé (The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University) supposedly showing the intolerance that must be there, or so he thought. The liberal student, however, was surprised to find little of the expected intolerance but is now finding plenty of it from the left because his book was not an outright condemnation of Liberty University nor of Jerry Falwell whom he met during his semester there.

So the young man did what he set out to do: he investigated, then reported what he found. But the commenters at the HufPo knew what he should have found; without even having to investigate:
Wow, that must be a pretty good brainwashing program they've got there. That or this guy is weak sauce. You wouldn't catch me praying to some magic sky daddy if I spent a THOUSAND years at Liberty "University."

He should have gone to a deprogrammer to complete the experience.

I wish he'd done an MRI before and after. It appears he's been brainwashed. Long periods of time with cults will do that.

I'm a little worried about Kevin's soul now that he's been programmed. He seems strong and intelligent though, so there's still hope for him. I'll be praying for his salvation from the radical right.

I hope he's been debriefed and re-socialized into the real world. Never visit the darkside.

Reminds me of something I read a few months back about a guy going undercover at Wal-Mart. Seems he didn't find an evil empire at all. That didn't sway some of his commenters though; see when you know you've found the evil Center of All That is Wrong With the Universe, well, you just know it. No more input needed.

And they call themselves open-minded.

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