Sunday, April 05, 2009

What a Great Idea

Or, until the fire burns through the wrist.

I post this not because it's weird, and it is; but because I remember seeing this picture when I was just a kid. Odd, it took me no time at all to imagine the horror of rushing to the alarm box, saving the day, then burning to death because of it.

Forgot to credit it to Modern Mechanix. (where you also can find this article on global warming from..... 1953) The culprit? Why, the A bomb, of course. But this climatologist sets the record straight. Seems in 1953 scientists knew we were coming out of an ice age. Somehow that knowledge was lost.

What's old is new again:
Our winters are milder and we are apt to overlook a comfortably warm winter season. But let there be a “day of the great blizzard” and everybody will remember it. Unpleasant weather leaves the greatest impression. Let winds and floods and storms increase and we immediately ask for a Congressional investigation to probe the possible effects of atomic radiation on weather.

If you are still upset, however, and feel you must worry about the distant future of mankind, forget the weather effects of atomic bombs and wonder what would happen if the ice reservoirs of Greenland and all the polar regions let go in one fast melting spree. The level of our oceans would rise about 200 feet. All our coastal cities would be wiped out and civilization would have to retreat to the highlands. As a matter of fact the polar icecaps are already receding at the rate of some 500 feet a year, causing climatic changes and raising the level of the sea about an inch during the last century. This is a sign of things to come.

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