Saturday, January 23, 2010

March for Life

Sorry for the light blogging. (ever think that sounds weird: "light blogging"? Like, "My uncle thought he was going to go to jail for the DWI, but the judge let him off with a light blogging.")

I was hoping to publish pictures from this year's March for Life, but a cantankerous USB cable is holding the pictures hostage in lumberkid's camera. Said kid, by the way, who marched with a broken foot this year.

The media's willful blindness to this march is way past being a joke. Witness CNN’s Rick Sanchez:

Huh? Rick guesses that there were probably fewer than 200 thousand (estimate) on the counter-protester side? Really?

The above picture is from the mass before the march last year. The kid says it was just as full this year. The child didn't see a single pro-deather all day. So yeah Rick, your team was outnumbered.
h/t: Newsbusters for the video

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