Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Wish Him Gratitude

I get it now. It's comedy.

Sean Penn starts out normally; leading you to expect the usual commie blah blah.. the people, blah, unity, blah, stay out of our uterus... But half way through he goes full-Spicoli. You can hear the translator freeze just for a moment, thinking, "oh no, did I hear that right? Oh man, they're going to think this is me..."


  1. citizenlurker6:57 AM

    It's almost the "Jerry Lewis is admired by the French" syndrome.

    Perhaps it is precisely because the Colombians have everything he says translated by a lucid and intelligent person afraid for his or her own life that Penn can enjoy such status there.

  2. Talnik7:28 PM

    See what pot does to you? Show this to your kids and they'll never touch the stuff
