Wednesday, February 21, 2007


From the NY Post, better poll news:
Among other key findings of the poll conducted Feb. 5-7:

* When given a choice of four policies, an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops was the least popular (17 percent).

* The most popular option (32 percent) was a withdrawal timetable.

* The next most popular policy, favored by 27 percent, was expressed by the statement: "The Iraq war is the front line in the battle against terrorism and our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to the country."

The fourth option, favored by 23 percent, was the statement: "While I don't agree that the U.S. should be in the war, our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and restore security to their country."
That 17% sounds about right. From the news, you keep hearing that a majority of Americans want us out. And maybe that's true, I want us out - I just want to fulfill our promises first. When this started, Bush said that it would be a long hard road, but that we wouldn't leave until the Iraqis were able to continue on their own. It's good to know that only 17% want to take the shortcut home.

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