Thursday, June 21, 2007

Democrat Snake Pit

You've probably seen the list of journalists who gave to political causes. Nine to one in favor of the D's sounds about right.

Should they be making political contributions? Sure, at least we can look to their contributions and tell where they're coming from. "But we honestly report the news!" Sure they do. Look at the details on the list and you can see that they're at least as honest as Bill Clinton:
(D) Fox affiliate in Washington, D.C., WTTG, Laura Evans, anchor, $500 in August 2006 to John Sarbanes, Democratic House candidate in Maryland. Evans anchors the 5 p.m. news. She is listed in FEC records by her married name, Laura Manatos.

On her blog on the station's Web site she commented recently on the Iraq war: " Everyone's trying to save face here ... all the while people are dying. Didn't voters in November speak loud and clear, saying they're tired of the fighting and want an end in sight?"

When first contacted by, Evans said her husband, lobbyist Mike Manatos, "actually made the contribution, and the check was written on our account."

But the records show that her husband had already given the legal limit to Sarbanes. He couldn't legally contribute more. When asked about those records, she said, "I hadn't talked to my husband. He reminded me that he had actually talked to me about this, because he had maxed out, could we write a check in my name. I said, 'Sure.' Now I remember having this conversation. It's within Fox policy, it was OK for me to do it."

Fox does allow news employees to make political contributions.
You believe her? Yeah me either. And there's this one:
(D) CBS News, Serena Altschul, contributing correspondent for "CBS Sunday Morning," $5,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in October 2004. She was a correspondent for CBS from 2003 to 2006.

A CBS spokeswoman said Altschul "did some checking with family members, and the contribution was in fact made in her name."

A year after this donation, CBS tightened its policy to forbid all political activity.
Ah, "made in her name" infers that it was some other family member who was behind the contribution. But what do you want to bet that if you could press the issue, it would come out that it was "in fact written with her pen" and "technically written with her fingers holding her pen" and even "possibly written as she chanted: he-played-on-our-fears he-played-on-our-fears..."

So this list is telling us two things: One, the media is largely liberal. (big surprise) And two, they think we're stupid.

***Update: More evidence that they think we're stupid from James Taranto:
Then there's Randy Cohen, who writes the "Ethicist" column for the New York Times and gave $585 to, an Angry Left Group":

Cohen said he thought of as nonpartisan....


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