Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Harry Potter

Ron Weasley Kills Snape and runs off with Hagrid to hunt polar bears.

OK, maybe that's not true. But maybe it is!

Word is
, the ending to the Last Harry Potter book is on the internet. And human nature being what it is, we need not fear anyone spilling the beans, because nobody would want to spoil it for the rest of us.

Oh wait, human nature is like that on Opposite Day; every other day of the year, people will be happy to spoil it for you. So, unless you rip the modem from the wall you will come across the ending before you get a chance to read the book. My advice? Obfuscate. We need to all write our own endings and post them around the www so that the real ending is lost in the forest. Sound impossible? Well yeah, probably.

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