Saturday, October 13, 2007


I lose patience with liberals who feign outrage, so I haven't had much to say about little Frost children. I was going to comment, but it was going to be something along the lines of "the children were faking it, come on kid, shake it off, you're not hurt, cowboy-up" See? Wouldn't have worked. So seriously, thank goodness the children survived this accident. Thank goodness SCHIP covered them, even though we know that no hospital would have turned them away.

And I don't care that the Frosts have more cars, and more commercial buildings, than me. That's fine. I, and the President, only object to people making almost twice as much as the Frosts taking my tax money to insure their kids. OK? We love your kids, but we don't love them more than you do, and if you're a family of four making $80 k/year, you should be able to buy your own health insurance.

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