Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Edged out Rosie

NRO pointed to this little device which ranks your blog on the reading level required. I suppose there are probably penalties if you're caught reading a blog above your station in life, but that's what anonymous proxies are for.

OK, I'll admit I'm a little disappointed at AWL-Jack's rank. We came in at "undergrad". Probably because I sometimes defenestrate conventional grammar. (and maybe tying up presidential candidates costs a grade or two)

But is the little device accurate? OK lets calibrate it on the low end. Rosie gets:

Hmmmmm. May be reading a little high. OK, how about The Huffington Post?

Yesssss, and (spikes the ball). Ariana can take a little ribbing but I expect I'll get another "U R stinko" e-mail from Rosie.

***Update: (with a hat-tip to our commander in chief) Lumberjacks sometimes is:

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