Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Personal Slur on Baucus

Type "Baucus" into the YouTube search box and this is what you get. Obviously, a vicious rumor. Below that, type "Bacchus" into the Merriam-Webster dictionary and this is what you get. Obviously a misprint.

You probably remember the YouTube video that started the rumors of drunkenness last December. At that time the Senator's office denied guilt and characterized the video as an "untrue personal smear".

Me, I took the denial with a grain of salt. But Baucus took it with a dash of salt, a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila, and with a dash of salt, a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila, and with a dash of salt, a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila... Yup, he did it again:

"Too often to... eh, a bunch of late, the last couple-three years... the maldistribution of income-merica has gone up w-way too much. The wealthy are getting w-ay, w-ay too wealthy, and the middle income class is left behind...."

And this time his internal censor was also somewhat dazed. Apparently a maldistribution of wealth has gotten out of hand, and this income shift is necessary. So yeah, he's admitting it's a redistribution of wealth.

The censor was working some though, because he stayed with the line that this would only take from the wealthy and give to the middle class. I'm waiting for him to get so drunk that he admits "the wealthy" is D-speak for the middle class.

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