Tuesday, November 02, 2004

On my way to vote..

I'm ready for the usually boring mechanics of casting my vote.
The whole thing should take ten minutes if it's anything
like last time. Who knows though? Democrat lawyers are supposed
to fill the polling places. I imagine those who aren't felons
will also take the opportunity to cast their votes. Good. Anything
that keeps them out of the courts is probably good for America.

One last thought from American Thinker:

The ritual of going to a polling place and entering the booth tends to invest a certain solemnity to the civic ritual of voting. If ever there were a moment to take a deep breath and let your heart (and gut) consider the action you are about to take, casting your vote today for president is it. Today’s decision matters for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.

Call me a hopeless partisan, but I cannot imagine that the deep breath factor benefits John F. Kerry. There is nothing about him which inspires confidence or trust. Can anyone tell us what his plan is to win the War on Terror, other than to do a “better job” than Bush? Can anyone tell us where his deepest convictions lie? Aside from the importance of accumulating his own wealth and power, that is.


bob said...

Increasing his own wealth? Haven't we heard about the Halliburton contracts? Are are we still in denial/ignorance? Unless you are suggesting he only wants to become President to start awarding these lucrative government contracts to his wife?

As for the War on Terror; lets fight it where it is, and that is not in the toppling of sovereign nations but in the conscious of an oppressed post-colonial Muslim ideology. This ideology is only strengthened when you or your neighbour is occupied by the only remaining colonial state.

Yes, you are a lumberjack as you must have been up a tree to have missed the realities of the world outside the borders of the US of A.

lumberjack said...

Halliburton contracts? You shouldn't base your world view on a movie.

Anonymous said...

I would rather live in the fantastic world of Michael Moore than in the fascist tyranny of Dubya.
