Friday, March 31, 2006

Nuke Test Without the Nukes

Funny the Post didn't notice:

A huge mushroom cloud of dust is expected to rise over Nevada's desert in June when the Pentagon plans to detonate a gigantic 700-ton explosive -- the biggest open-air chemical blast ever at the Nevada Test Site -- as part of the research into developing weapons that can destroy deeply buried military targets, officials said yesterday.

Sure, it's not a nuke but the test is to determine what
a nuke would do. How do you know that? Show me the plane
that could get off the ground with a 700 ton bomb. You
would have to build the bomb in place over the target.
What they're doing is studying the effects of a huge blast,
one that couldn't come from a conventional bomb dropped
from the sky.

Me, I'm cautious about anything that would make the use
of nukes more likely.


Anonymous said...

You are correct. There is considerable evidence that at least one of the purposes of this test is to simulate the effect of low-yield nuclear weapons on underground structures. Commentary with links to budget documents and other relevant sources can be found at
