Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Did you see the WaPo story about how Obama's nanny was an openly gay man? And how he went on to joined a group of transvestites called Fantastic Dolls, who entertained people by dancing and playing volleyball? Really? Really?

No, I don't much care that the guy was gay; I mean, he was a guy nanny, seems like gay would be an option with that job. But just the fact that Obama had a nanny -- shouldn't we have know that before the election? Wouldn't that have given us a better idea of the tough times he faced growing up, with his nanny, before he went off to that private school? "Oh yes, I've known hardship. Sometimes I'd want a juice-box, and the nanny would be all: Oh no you don't. You can't have another juice-box."

And another thing: transvestites entertaining by playing volleyball? Like, what do you want to do? Oh, I dunno, the TV's broke but we could go watch the transvestites play volleyball. Nah, let's just go walking and maybe we'll come across nuns painting their dogs or something.

