Thursday, January 03, 2008

I Should Talk

I wanted to give my perfect child the middle name: Chainsaw, but only because I knew the wife would never let me do it. (still, I insisted upon it for months) But here's a list of The 20 Most Bizarre Celebrity Baby Names that really did find their way onto the birth certificate. [caution, language]
My favorite:

You can really chart Michael Jackson's journey into Crazytown with the naming of his children. When his first kid was produced somehow in 1997, he gave him the pretentious but not-quite-insane name Prince Michael Jackson. In 2002, another boy comes along and Michael, completely out of name ideas, calls him Prince Michael II. You'd expect his nickname to be "The Revenge," but instead Michael started calling him "Blanket."

It's such a great example of how a completely innocent word, given the right set of circumstances, can be nightmarishly disturbing.

