Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Carbon Used, Alert the Press

About that "Plane flies five passengers from US to London" flap? I knew this was the reason:

"With such a small passenger load we did consider whether we could cancel the flight and re-accommodate the five remaining passengers on other flights.

"However, this would have left a plane load of west-bound passengers stranded in London Heathrow who were due to fly back to the US on the same aircraft.
Understand something, econuts: Nobody is more averse to burning fuel unnecessarily than the airlines. They're the ones to pay the fuel bill, and they've got people whose only job is to make the system as efficient as possible. Spending $60,000 to do a job that will bring in less than $4000 makes them very uncomfortable. Besides, the head econut, Al Gore, does this all the time. His reasons are: he has too much money, it's very convenient, and you're not paying attention.

