Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hate Cilantro?

God made cilantro
if ten plagues were not enough
it was his backup

Could it be that some people hate cilantro so much that they feel moved to write haikus about it? Well only nine pages of them. seems to be very successful with just one simple underlying theme: the hatred of cilantro.

I cook quite a bit and I've run into these people before, in fact, I'm married to one of them. And I long ago quit using cilantro in anything. At first I thought that it was excessive use of cilantro that bugged these people, but experimentation proved to me that if they can taste it at all, even just a little, the dish was ruined for them.

Which leads me to believe that it's a genetic thing. Some people can taste things in cilantro that others can't. There are probably just as many anchovy haters out there but I don't think they taste something in anchovies that I don't. They just don't care for them.

Anyway, if you hate the stuff, this site's for you. I didn't click around excessively but it looks like a fine place to vent. And judging from the body language of the old guy in the Nick Nolte shirt, some venting has long been needed.

