Sunday, February 22, 2009

NY Post Kerfuffle

At first I was tempted to defend the Post (give in on one monkey joke and soon monkeys will become taboo as a tool for achieving humor), but really, how can you oppose anything that gets Al Sharpton parading around with his aggrieved face on? Sure, the cartoon was about the writer of the stimulus bill being an idiot, or, one of the infinite monkeys sitting at one of the infinite typewriters; but the real joke is that Al can't, or won't, see that.

I imagine this will play out in the usual way: someone will give Sharpton money and he'll wander off. And it won't be safe to use the monkey-with-a-machine-gun metaphor for awhile. But in the meantime, enjoy the silly Sharpton huff-n-puff. He's an American institution.

"Look man, we haven't seen your kitty. Now quit asking me."

Would this have been funnier if it had been, "we haven't seen your monkey"? Nah, I think it works either way.

