Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Amazing how quickly this is happening. Obama says he doesn't want to run the car companies, but he fired the GM CEO. I guess what he meant was that he doesn't want to actually have a desk at GM; he'll just make the business decisions.

The government also reserves the right to take over companies "for the good of the economy." And now they'd like to limit executive pay for, well, everyone:
Congress will consider legislation to extend some of the curbs on executive pay that now apply only to those banks receiving federal assistance, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said.

“There’s deeply rooted anger on the part of the average American,” the Massachusetts Democrat said at a Washington news conference today.

He said the compensation restrictions would apply to all financial institutions and might be extended to include all U.S. companies.

Could it be that the "deeply rooted anger on the part of the average American,” was engineered by the administration? Were the protection of the AIG bonuses accidentally included in the bailout legislation? Or was it a ploy to manipulate public opinion?

