Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bill Maher isn't Bright Enough to Understand This

Isn't it odd thinking of news as old if you don't get to it the first day? Al Gore's internet made it that way. This one it doesn't matter though. Liberals' contempt for American citizens is as old as Barbra Streisand:

"But what the Democrats never understand is that Americans don't really care what position you take, just stick with one," Maher said. "Just be strong. They're not bright enough to really understand the issues. But like an animal, they can sort of sense strength or weakness. They can smell it on you."

Ok, Bill, you're wrong, but you're not stupid enough to think that your proclaiming our dumbness helps your cause, are you?

He goes on to say how social security, the Marines, Medicare, etc. are socialism. Um, no. the Marines are and armed force, and the others are social programs. It's not socialism to have a government clinic; that's a social program. It's socialism when the government runs all clinics. It's socialism when the government controls or owns the means of production. Like if the government made all the cars, or ran all the banks. And that's why, when the government is starting down that road, thinking Americans (smarter than you apparently) worry.

If you want to win us over, you'll have to try harder. Maybe calling us stupid isn't your best argument. (then again, maybe it is)

