Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Raise Rates or Close Loopholes?

Whew, You wouldn't believe how many minutes I listened to BO trying to find this clip. Never did; but clicked over to NRO this morning and there it was. I knew the President had offered loopholes as a revenue source last year. Now that won't work, he says.

No, now he insists on raising rates because the R's promised they wouldn't and he wants to fracture the party. BO is doing brinksmanship with our economy.

No Hawaii for you my friend. You should be made to reach an agreement first. Either that, or we should publish a vacation picture every day, along with a countdown, as we inch towards the fiscal cliff.

BO with a hot dog, and 13 Days until Fiscalgeddon. BO riding a bicycle, and 12 Days until Fiscalgeddon. BO at the beach, and 11 Days until Fiscalgeddon....  you get the idea.


Anonymous said...

LJ--Thanks for doing the hard work so we don't have to. I can't listen to the guy.

