Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I almost missed this story, gee, maybe I wish I had. Anyway, got pointed to it from NRO. WaPo opinion pages:

What Happens When There Is No Plan B?
By Dana L.
Sunday, June 4, 2006; B01

The conservative politics of the Bush administration forced me to have an abortion I didn't want. Well, not literally, but let me explain.

I am a 42-year-old happily married mother of two elementary-schoolers. My husband and I both work, and like many couples, we're starved for time together. One Thursday evening this past March, we managed to snag some rare couple time and, in a sudden rush of passion, I failed to insert my diaphragm.

The next morning, after getting my kids off to school, I called my ob/gyn to get a prescription for Plan B, the emergency contraceptive pill that can prevent a pregnancy -- but only if taken within 72 hours of intercourse. As we're both in our forties, my husband and I had considered our family complete, and we weren't planning to have another child, which is why, as a rule, we use contraception. I wanted to make sure that our momentary lapse didn't result in a pregnancy.

The receptionist, however, informed me that my doctor did not prescribe Plan B. No reason given. Neither did my internist. The midwifery practice I had used could prescribe it, but not over the phone, and there were no more open appointments for the day. The weekend -- and the end of the 72-hour window -- was approaching.

But I needed to meet my kids' school bus and, as I was pretty much out of options......

Great googily moogily.
Conservative politics made her get an abortion? What wonderland is she living in? She made herself get an abortion. And somehow she isn't embarrassed to have the details printed in the newspaper. Never mind that Plan B isn't illegal, it just wasn't something her particular doctor would prescribe. And never mind that some people consider Plan B to be an abortion; just a cleaner and less obvious one. This woman wants the world to hear her complaint that avoiding pregnancy just wasn't convenient enough for her.

Anyway, the full measure of her childishness comes out in her online chat discussing the article:
Dana L.: While you may feel my anger was misdirected, I feel angry not just for what happened to me and my family but at the whole situation. What about people who find themselves in this situation on a Thursday night after having been raped?
Reminds me of high school injustices from long ago. Remember how, if you were caught doing wrong, you could twist logic to somehow justify being guilty? "Yeah, but what if I hadn't stolen the mascot? They had no right to make me open my locker." Yeah, what if she'd been raped? What if this wasn't just a case of an irresponsible adult killing her own baby because it would be inconvenent to have another one?

