Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lions for Lambs

The A.V. Club has a great review of Robert Redford's antiwar movie:

Director-producer-star Robert Redford continues his slow descent into irrelevance with Lions For Lambs, a hopelessly stilted political drama that plays like U.S. News & World Report: The Movie. Redford's latest middlebrow muddle is so hopelessly talky, mannered, stagy, overwritten, and didactic that it's hard to believe Aaron Sorkin isn't somehow involved. Michael Peña and Derek Luke play noble working-class soldiers pinned down in Afghanistan, but otherwise, Lambs is devoted almost entirely to interminable, flatly filmed conversations about Important Issues. Not since My Dinner With Andre has a film wandered so far from the old cinematic dictum "show, don't tell."
Of course Mr. Redford lectures. It comes from the liberal conviction that they're the intellectual elite, and we're the dull-normals who need to be spoon fed 'enlightenment'. Odd then, that they're the camp that entertains silly ideas like: 9-11 was an inside job, we went into Iraq to make money for Halliburton, Hugo Chavez is a great leader, and Ché was a hero.

Go figure.

