Did you hear the clip of McCain yesterday? In it, a supporter uses derogatory language to describe Mrs. Clinton and the candidate defends Senator Clinton. Good show, I say, we should always take the high road whenever possible.
But it seems CNN didn't think McCain went far enough:
The campaign laments that CNN portrayed the event as though McCain did not defend Clinton forcefully enough. The senator, in the short video clip, expressed his respect for the former first lady.Isn't that just the way it goes with the liberal media? You do the right thing and they blame you for not doing more.
“The CNN Network, affectionately known as the Clinton News Network, has stooped to an all-time low and is gratuitously attacking John McCain for not sufficiently defending Hillary Clinton enough when a South Carolina voter used the 'B' word to describe her when John McCain stopped into a luncheon yesterday at the Trinity restaurant in Hilton Head, S.C.,” Davis said in his e-mail.
Oh, which reminds me, speaking of high roadedness, this Obama/Clinton tied thing seems to be getting out of hand:

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