Friday, November 30, 2007

Talk Talk Talk

Here's a scientific study that may not be so bad:

Women may have a reputation as the chattier gender, but research into the matter shows that men may actually be a little more talkative than women—though it all depends on the situation....

....One clear point that emerged from all the studies was that the type of activity people were engaged in influenced how much they talked.

"So even though on the average we're finding a slight trend toward men being more talkative than women, we found larger differences when you looked at particular situations," Leaper said.
As a man, (and actually, as a lumberjack, which, really, counts as something like one and a half men) I can accept these findings. That is assuming you count the total number of words. For instance, in some situations, I'll repeat "yes dear" over and over.... whereas in other situations, I'll often say things like: "the light is red!" or "that was our exit," and "that's what your turn signal is for." Often followed up by: "please stop hitting me," and prayers of thanksgiving at having arrived at our destination more or less safely. So, yes, in some situations, men are more talkative than women.

