Thursday, April 02, 2009

Fish Oil Could Curb Cow Flatulence

From Live Science:

Specifically, including 2 percent fish oil in the diet of cattle reduces flatulence, apparently due to the omega 3 fatty acids in the oil. The study was a small one, however. The technique cut methane output of three cows by 21 percent, said Lorraine Lillis of the University College Dublin.

"The fish oil affects the methane-producing bacteria in the rumen part of the cow's gut, leading to reduced emissions," Lillis said. "Understanding which microbial species are particularly influenced by changes in diet and relating them to methane production could bring about a more targeted approach to reducing methane emissions in animals."

Come on people. A 21% reduction? That's not nearly enough. The only way you're going to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of cows is to reduce the number of cows. And the only way to reduce the number of cows is to eat more of them. Now get off your butts and get down to that grocery store.

