Thursday, April 02, 2009

Smoker's Regret

I guess tobacco smokers who voted for Obama could come to regret it. First a huge tax hike on tobacco products; now this:

The House today approved a bill that would for the first time give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate tobacco products.

The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), passed by a 298-112 vote, culminating a nearly decade-long battle by anti-smoking advocates to grant the FDA regulatory power over the industry.

They'll start out with small demands, sure: no fruit flavors, no advertising on t-shirts, etc. But, face it, you may as well just quit now because the screws will be turned until you do. Rob Reiner will most likely be dead within the week, due to celebratory cupcakes.

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