The Obamanator said:
“We had to make so many decisions quickly in a very difficult set of circumstances that after awhile, we started worrying more about getting the policy right than getting the process right,” Obama told ABC’s Diane Sawyer Monday. “But I had campaigned on process—part of what I had campaigned on was changing how Washington works, opening up, transparency. ...The health care debate as it unfolded legitimately raised concerns not just among my opponents, but also amongst supporters that we just don't know what's going on. And it's an ugly process and it looks like there are a bunch of back room deals.”
So he admits to the no transparency part so he can assert that there aren't a lot of back-room deals. But if there aren't a lot of back room deals; why can we list them? Why does Nebraska contribute less than everyone else? Why are the insurance companies and big Pharma supporters of Obamacare? What about the Louisiana purchase? And why is a union member somehow a different class of citizen who doesn't have to pay a tax on the same exact product for which I am taxed?
And those are just a few of the ones we know about. What the lack of transparency does is make me wonder what the deals are that I don't know about.
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