From Aftenposten:
Environmental champion Al Gore has sparked criticism for his near-constant air travel, much of it on private jets. He opted for more environmentally friendly modes of transport when he traveled to Oslo Friday to accept this year's Nobel Peace Prize.Does anyone really think this signals a change in the way Al Gore lives his life? I mean, do you think he's seen the light? Does he understand now that if he's going to talk-the-talk, that he also must walk-the-walk? If you believe that, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.
First Gore flew on a normally scheduled commercial flight from New York, along with his family, and landed at Oslo's main airport at Gardermoen Friday morning.
Gardermoen is located about an hour's drive north of downtown Oslo, and dignitaries generally ride into town in private cars or limousines. The former US vice president, however, decided to practice what he preaches by shunning gas-guzzling, exhaust-producing cars and taking the Airport Express Train (Flytoget) into town.
The high-speed train was built to serve Oslo's new airport when it opened in 1998. It remains Norway's only high-speed line, and makes the trip to Gardermoen in about a half-hour.
After arriving at the National Theater station in the heart of Oslo, Gore intended to walk to the Grand Hotel, where all winners of the Nobel Peace Prize traditionally stay.
Nope, this flying commercial is a one time thing, so it's good that there were plenty of cameras on hand to document it. He's done. Walk from the train station? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

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