Friday, November 06, 2009

You're Always Free to Change Your Mind

The director of a Planned Parenthood abortion center in Texas has resigned and embraced the pro-life movement after witnessing an abortion through an ultrasound.

"I just thought, 'What am I doing?'" she told ABC News. "And then I thought, 'Never again.'"

What happened, Abby Johnson actually witnessed an abortion on an ultrasound. To me, it isn't her conversion that is strange; it's that she could be in that industry, and even rise to the position of clinic director, without ever moving past that first essential lie: "It's just tissue."

I understand the lie. The system doesn't work without it. The system wouldn't work if every abortion started with the doctor cheerfully saying, "How are you doing? Are you comfortable? OK, let's kill your baby." Instead, every point of contact with the distressed mother goes out of their way to treat the abortion as no big thing. Probably the worst of it is the actual MD who reinforces that "this is just a little tissue," no big thing.

Three cheers for the pregnant women and abortion workers who see past the lie.

