The Politico has an interesting story:
Shona Robertson-Holmes was a mess. She had crushing headaches, insomnia and adrenaline levels so high that she constantly felt as if she had just stepped in front of a speeding bus. And that’s not to mention her rapidly deteriorating eyesight.
She headed to her family doctor, who recommended that she see two specialists.
But Robertson-Holmes is Canadian, and her state-provided health care gave her a wait time of four months to see a neurologist and six months to see an endocrinologist.....
I don't even have to quote the rest, do I? (she crosses the border, gets proper, prompt, care, and is saved from blindness and death) She went to the Mayo, but most likely would have gotten proper treatment at any American hospital. The trick was getting to the problem before it got worse.
OK, so Michael Moore will not be interviewing her. He would point out, I'm sure, that it cost her $100,000 to get treated. Scandal! I would point out that when you're not dead, $100,000 is a doable number. (21.7 trips to the hooker if you're Eliot Spitzer)
(more stories like Shona's)
h/t: NRO
***Update: video!
Shona Holmes (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) from BigGovHealth on Vimeo.
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