"Ja, Obama, we give you Berlin airlift."
***Update: Der Spiegel says that Parisians are miffed that Obama spends all this time in Germany and will grace the French with just 5 hours of his time. Heh, heh, Doesn't Obama know if he wants to be the world president he'll need the French vote as well?

The we-are-the-world speech is off-putting in so many ways. And its premise, that an American presidential candidate needs to appeal to Germans, is just plain wrong. Not that the Germans aren't important allies, but first and foremost an American president needs to put the interests of America first. The Westfalia votes don't count.
***UpdateII: It seems Hillary is getting into the spirit of the thing:

"ich kann zuhören" = "I can listen"
Der Spiegel:
"I want to be here for our 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech," Julie Hagedorn, 38, a Canadian living with her German husband in Berlin told SPIEGEL ONLINE before the speech. "I want to hear it with my own ears when Obama says 'Ich bin ein Europäer (I am a European)."
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