It's time to short stock in the Onion; their stock in trade, absurdity, has gone mainstream:
ELDORADO, Texas - A new clothing brand may be born out of the Texas raid on a polygamous sect.
FLDS women for the first time are offering their handmade, distinctive style of children's clothes to the public through the Web site
Launched initially to provide Texas authorities with clothing for FLDS children in custody, the online store now is aimed at helping their mothers earn a living.
The venture, which has already drawn queries from throughout the U.S., is banking on interest in modest clothes, curiosity and charity to be a success.
What's the pitch? Modest fashions for abused children? I'm boggled.
***Update: from the Onion:

Har! Pro hopes, supports dreams. Seems the Onion is branching out into serious reporting to make up for the loss of the absurdity franchise.
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