Monday, July 14, 2008

New Yorker

I have to say I was shocked, shocked, that the New Yorker would publish the ¡Obama Revolution! cover. I find it in very poor taste which is why I'm reproducing it here. (click to embiggen) Now this is more like it:

OK, this one isn't quite real, but only in the sense that it's completely fake. I put it together in order to express my disappointment with the New Yorker.

Sad to think the New Yorker was once my favorite magazine. (or at least I assume it could possibly once have been my favorite magazine had I ever read an issue, or skimmed through an issue, or in fact even picked one up in the doctors office, even when the choices were: one six year-old copy of Car and Driver, or the New Yorker)

We'll have to wait to see if this is the next cover of People. Possibly it's a parody of how conservatives would try to smear Michelle Obama were any of them competent with Photoshop.

