Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saints Preserve Us

From Henry Payne's Sketchbook: an interview with the Detroit News Monday, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) - recently appointed to the Senate Energy Committee - made clear that fighting the climate crisis is her top priority.

"Climate change is very real," she confessed as she embraced cap and trade's massive tax increase on Michigan industry - at the same time claiming, against all the evidence, that it would not lead to an increase in manufacturing costs or energy prices. "Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I'm flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes."

And there are sea monsters in Lake Michigan. I can feel them when I'm boating.

With Senate Energy Committee Members this uninformed, do we really stand a chance? Even if it's not your imagination, Debbie, even if you are flying through 20% or 80% or 100% more storms, that is weather. And if you don't understand the difference between weather and climate, you're out of your depth on the Energy Committee.

Be thankful for this huge wall of debt that is falling on us. It may save us from the next, and the next, monstrous expenditure. Obviously, if left unchecked, our insect overlords will keep piling on the solutions until we've been saved to death.

