Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Smoke and Mirrors

The White House strikes back with what is essentially: "That video of Obama saying that he wants to transition to a single-payer system is out of context with what he is saying now."

OK, so those aren't their words; but it's what they are saying. Newsbusters has links to the complete context of the president's words. And it shows what the offending video purports, i.e. that Obama wants to transition to a single payer, government run, health care system. He just wants to do it through manipulating the capitalist system. (when did capitalist start feeling like a dirty word?)

Obama's plan, in a nutshell, is to use the same mechanism that keeps government schools afloat. The mechanism being: that the government subsidizes Healthcare USA with your tax dollars. If you don't want the government package and opt for your private insurance, you are welcome to pay for health care a second time. (but you still have to finance the government system)

well that didn't take long,
It's been pointed out that I missed an opportunity in that first photoshop. My bad:

